Dryer Vent Cleaning
ABC Appliances & Repair Service provides dryer vent cleaning service and dryer Interior clean out service in Tampa Fl. Dryer vent cleaning helps to prevent clothes dryer fires while improving the dry time and airflow of your dryer and venting to the exterior of your home. Fire Marshalls advise to have your dryer vent cleaning done at least once a year to prevent home and clothes dryer fires. If your dryer is running too hot and still leaves the clothes moist or it has completely stopped heating, are all common signs your dryer vent is in need of a professional dryer vent cleaning service in order to keeps your dryer and vent functioning properly and prevent lint build up that causes dryer vent clogging issues and dryers repairs.
Call 813-900-7823 to schedule your dryer vent cleaning in Tampa Fl.

Why should you get Dryer Vent Cleaning Service?
Has your clothing been moist after a few dryer cycles it is time for a professional to service your dryer and dryer vent immediately. Your dryer may be functioning properly but need to be freed of the lint trapped in the dryer. Dryer Vent Cleaning is technical work and should only be done by a professional technician. Most dryer vent cleaning services only focus on de-clogging the vent leading to the outside of the home. ABC Appliances and Repair Services provides full dryer vent cleaning as well as a full
Customers should also be weary of the excess lint in the dryer and should consider not only the cleanliness of the dryer vent but the cleanliness of the dryer and its entirety. ABC Appliances & Repair service provides the customer with dryer vent cleaning and also dryer cleaning services to ensure all areas of the drying process are covered. Dryer Cleaning Technicians from ABC Appliances and Repair Services are qualified and experienced to perform such tasks safely while ensuring quality work.
According to the National Fire Protection Association, nearly 17,000 home clothes dryer fires are reported each year. These clothes dryer fires cause around 51 deaths, 380 injuries, and $236 million in property loss. Unsurprisingly, the leading cause of these fires, at 34%, is the failure to clean dryer vents.Dryer Vent Cleaning helps to conserve on your electricity bill
Electricity is a scarce and invaluable resource which should not be wasted. Cleaning a clogged dryer vent without further delay helps to save a considerable amount of electricity. A dryer with a blocked vent can take 3 to 4 times as long to dry costing upwards of $3.00 per load compared to $.75. A clogged dryer vent may sound like an insignificant problem in the beginning, but the user still pays for it in their electric bills. When your dryer vent is clogged it has to work extra hard to dry your clothes, which means it’s overworking itself and if left long enough the additional energy will far exceed the cost needed for repairing the dryer vent.Office Hrs. & Contact Info
8704 N. Nebraska Avenue Tampa, FL 33604
(813) 900-7823 abcappliancesused@gmail.com
Mon-Sat 9am - 5pm
Closed Sunday